History of the calendar
Before the discovery of America and the beginning of its conquest by the Europeans, the…

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8 ancient cemeteries, which were found in our time on construction sites
The bones of people who lived in the old days are often right under the…

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A spiral of skeletons, a bound woman and other ancient tombs that seem strange
It so happened in history that after the death of a man he expected a…


What did the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum look like, buried under the lava of Vesuvius?
Herculaneum is one of the three cities that fell victim to the eruption of Vesuvius…

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able to handle

Treasure under my feet: The antique find on the site has enriched its owner

Back in 2009, German German archeologists discovered a unique find on the site of the ancient Roman settlement Valdgirmes. Today its value is estimated at almost 1.6 million euros. This means that the owner of the site on which the excavations were carried out, will receive a monetary reward of 773 thousand euros. But for centuries the treasure was simply buried in the ground.
The era of Roman emperors is fanned by myths and legends. Perhaps that is why the interest of descendants to those times does not weaken. Excavations are constantly underway that would help to look into the past and show how people lived in the vast Roman Empire, which once included part of Germany. Sometimes scientists can find truly invaluable items. Continue reading

The mystery of Mohenjo-Daro – the ideal ancient city, all of whose inhabitants died in a flash

This city in the Indus Valley on the territory of modern Pakistan attracted the attention of scientists in 1922. The walls of baked bricks, the perfect layout of neighborhoods and buildings, the presence of plumbing and sewage said that in ancient times there was something great. Subsequently, it turned out that the city was built around 2600 BC. e., which means that he is a contemporary of the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. However, according to archaeologists, all its inhabitants died almost instantly. Why?
There were even plumbing and toilets
The ancient city of researchers gave the name of Mohenjo-Daro, which in some Indo-European languages ​​means “Hill of the Dead.” But the cause of his death has not yet been solved. Continue reading

In Search of the Chronicles of Atlantis: The Secret Room under the Paw of the Great Sphinx

The Necropolis of Giza – a complex of monuments, including the Great Sphinx, the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mykerina and other nearby buildings – the very fact of its existence causes the world to ask many questions. After centuries and millennia of legends, predictions and prophecies about the contents of the necropolis caches, these monuments, being researched by modern methods, continue to inspire scientists from different countries to search for traces of past civilizations. According to one version, the Sphinx hides a room that holds all the wisdom of the disappeared Atlantis.
The room under the right paw of the Sphinx?
With the discovery by Europeans of the pyramids, and then the mummies, sarcophagi and other unique phenomena of ancient Egyptian culture, countless speculation began to arise regarding the past of this mysterious land. The secret room, where the wisdom of the gods is hidden, is described in ancient sources. Continue reading