What did the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum look like, buried under the lava of Vesuvius?
Herculaneum is one of the three cities that fell victim to the eruption of Vesuvius…

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| Snake stones, ancient caviar and other interesting facts
10 200 to 10 400 years). This burial ground with skeletons was found in 1914…

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Graffiti of the first Christians, the Egyptian tomb and other unique artefacts found on islands hidden from civilization
There are thousands of islands in the world. Many of them have their own rich…


Skulls with patterns and other mysteries of the ancient Turkish city of Gobekli Tepe, which became an archaeological sensation
The place where the ruins of Gobekli-Tepe are located first came to the attention of…

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confirming the special

What people looked like a century ago: Modern technology has allowed scientists to get to the bottom of the truth

What did people from the past look like? Most often, the guideline for answering this question are pictures or verbal descriptions in documentary or fiction. But are they objective? Often not, because the artist always conveys his personal perception, and seeks to show the most attractive image. Modern technologies allow to recreate a real image and show what people from the past would look like if they happened to be our contemporaries.
1. King Henry IV of France
Henry IV was the king of France from 1589 to 1610 and was tragically killed during the attack of a Catholic fan on him, died from his knife wounds. Heinrich went down in history as a kind and wise ruler who cared about the welfare of his subjects. The reconstruction of the face of Heinrich was conducted by the historian Philip Frosch, he created a 3D model, based on the preserved skull of the monarch. Continue reading

The mystery of Mohenjo-Daro – the ideal ancient city, all of whose inhabitants died in a flash

This city in the Indus Valley on the territory of modern Pakistan attracted the attention of scientists in 1922. The walls of baked bricks, the perfect layout of neighborhoods and buildings, the presence of plumbing and sewage said that in ancient times there was something great. Subsequently, it turned out that the city was built around 2600 BC. e., which means that he is a contemporary of the civilizations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. However, according to archaeologists, all its inhabitants died almost instantly. Why?
There were even plumbing and toilets
The ancient city of researchers gave the name of Mohenjo-Daro, which in some Indo-European languages ​​means “Hill of the Dead.” But the cause of his death has not yet been solved. Continue reading

What treasures of the Inca came to our time, and where is the lost “golden” city of Paytiti

The legend of Eldorado, having arisen once, does not cease to inspire the whole world for all sorts of searches, including creative ones. Fascinating books and films are created about the mythical country filled with gold, and expeditions are again and again equipped to find treasures that once existed. Meanwhile, evidence has been preserved that the land where the gigantic riches of the past Inca Empire exist is indeed somewhere in the depths of the South American forests.
Inca and Conquest Riches – Spanish Conquest
The Inca Empire originated in the 11th century and was the largest state in South America. It united the Indians over a large area – from the modern city of Pasto in Colombia to the Maule River in Chile; at the end of its existence, the empire covered an area of ​​up to two million square kilometers. The capital was the city of Cusco, according to legend, built by the first Inca – the founder of the state of Manco Capac. Continue reading