In Israel, found a ring with a seal that belonged to Pontius Pilate
An unexpected statement was made by Israeli experts after a detailed study of archaeological finds…

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Riddle of Alexander of Macedon: Why "the flight of Tsar Alexander" was popular in Russia and throughout the Christian world
A unique pectoral cross was found on the land of the former Drutsk faction, which…

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Graffiti of the first Christians, the Egyptian tomb and other unique artefacts found on islands hidden from civilization
There are thousands of islands in the world. Many of them have their own rich…


History of the calendar
Before the discovery of America and the beginning of its conquest by the Europeans, the…

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which indicated

Archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a man who used a knife instead of a prosthetic arm

Who among us does not remember the formidable captain Hook, the inveterate enemy of Peter Pan? Literature and cinema is replete with characters whose distinctive detail was the presence of such an unusual prosthesis. But more recently, Italian archaeologists discovered an amazing find. They found the skeleton of a man who, apparently, used a knife to replace an amputated hand.
It is difficult to believe in the authenticity of such a find: an analysis of the bones of the skeleton suggested that this person lived in the 6th – 8th centuries. There is no need to speak about any professional medicine or even about the observance of basic sanitary standards during this period. Continue reading

Who was the legendary Troyan from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign": A long way to the East and back to the West
The story that will be discussed on these pages began with a find of an…


Secrets that historians cannot yet unravel
And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of…
