In Israel, found a ring with a seal that belonged to Pontius Pilate
An unexpected statement was made by Israeli experts after a detailed study of archaeological finds discovered during the excavations of Herodion, a fortress built by King Herod. According to scientists, the ancient bronze ring, found by archaeologists in the middle of the last century, once belonged to … Pontius Pilate.
Mystery lettering
An unremarkable-looking ring archaeologists discovered 50 years ago during the excavations of the Herodion fortress in the desert near Bethlehem, conducted under the guidance of Professor Gideon Forster. This thing was only one of the thousands of the most diverse finds found at that time during the excavations of the grandiose structure erected by Herod and later became the place of his burial. The ring was found in a room filled with shards of glass, shards of ceramics, arrowheads, coins and other small objects.
And only now, already with the new researchers who continue to work in this area, sensational results were made public: the ring, in all likelihood, belonged to Pontius Pilate. The fact is that the name of this historical person and the key figure of the well-known events connected with Jesus Christ, the experts found after a thorough cleaning of the ring and pictures of its surface made by a special camera in the laboratories of the Israel Antiquities Authority. On the surface of the jewelry, which, apparently, was used as a seal, depicts a wine vessel surrounded by Greek letters, translated as Pilatus.
According to scientists, the ring could be worn either by Pilate himself or by one of his entourage, who, at the direction of his ruler, placed the seal on official documents.
Pontius Pilate, the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judea, was in power from about 26 to 36 AD and went down in history as the person responsible for imposing the final sentence on Jesus. In the New Testament, Pilate is depicted as a controversial figure and doubting the correctness of this decision, supported by an angry mob.
On the one hand, he was a man who almost sympathized with Christ. On the other – an experienced military and cold-blooded ruler, indifferent to the religious feelings of the Jews.
Skeptics Opinion
Despite the loud statement of scientists, some historians consider it unlikely that the ring found in Israel could belong to Pilate. They draw attention to the fact that the product looks very simple, and usually soldiers and small officials wore similar rings. They say that a rich and influential prefect simply could not have such a cheap ring: not only was it all-metal, it was also a banal pattern on it – this motif was often used by jewelers in Israel long before the rule of Pilate and during his lifetime too.
In addition, it is known that when coins were minted, Pilate never put his name on them: he decorated them with the Greek inscription Tiberioy Kaicaroc in honor of his benefactor Tiberius.
However, a professor at Hebrew University Roy Porat, co-author of the sensational report on the “Pilate’s Ring” and the head of research on this artifact, objects to skeptics: “What can you say to the fact that“ Pilate ”is written on the ring? It is well known that in Israel at the time of Jesus Christ this name was almost never met, and it is unlikely that another Pilate could be in the same place at the same time as the famous Roman prefect! ”
No one can yet give an exact answer to this question, while skeptics cannot yet put forward their own version about the identity of the ring owner.