History of the calendar
Before the discovery of America and the beginning of its conquest by the Europeans, the…

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10 archaeological discoveries, because of which rewrote the history of ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is undoubtedly one of the most impressive "chapters" in the history of mankind.…

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What did the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum look like, buried under the lava of Vesuvius?
Herculaneum is one of the three cities that fell victim to the eruption of Vesuvius…


How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills
Money - quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For…

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animals wore

10 copper artifacts that scientists discovered the secrets of the ancients

Copper is one of the first metals with which people began to work around 5000 BC, during the so-called copper era (the chalcolithic period), when there was a radical transition from primitive Neolithic to Bronze stone technology. For millennia, copper has been the main engine of the global economy. The most common prehistoric metal artifacts from copper alloys still surprise archaeologists.
1. The Lost Treasure of the Copper Scroll
On March 14, 1952, an archaeologist discovered a mysterious copper scroll that contrasted sharply with all the other Dead Sea scrolls found earlier in the Qumran caves. The material of the scroll, its author, script, language and style indicate that he ended up in cave number 3 at a different time than 14 other scrolls made of parchment and papyrus. According to Professor Richard Freund, “the copper scroll is probably the most unique, the most important and least understood among the Dead Sea scrolls.” Continue reading

How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills

Money – quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For centuries, the ancient people made purchases, exchanged goods without the use of coins, banknotes and promissory notes. How did you manage to conduct trading operations, and what led to the emergence of modern money – in our material.
What people calculated in ancient times
Market relations emerged as early as 7-8 millennia BC. After the decomposition of the primitive communal society, not only living conditions improved, but also instruments of labor. Due to this, people began to appear surplus manufactured products, which were exchanged for more needed.
Different nations had their own subjects, acting in the role of money. Continue reading

What people looked like a century ago: Modern technology has allowed scientists to get to the bottom of the truth

What did people from the past look like? Most often, the guideline for answering this question are pictures or verbal descriptions in documentary or fiction. But are they objective? Often not, because the artist always conveys his personal perception, and seeks to show the most attractive image. Modern technologies allow to recreate a real image and show what people from the past would look like if they happened to be our contemporaries.
1. King Henry IV of France
Henry IV was the king of France from 1589 to 1610 and was tragically killed during the attack of a Catholic fan on him, died from his knife wounds. Heinrich went down in history as a kind and wise ruler who cared about the welfare of his subjects. The reconstruction of the face of Heinrich was conducted by the historian Philip Frosch, he created a 3D model, based on the preserved skull of the monarch. Continue reading