Strange ancient artifacts, the origin of which no one can explain
The world is full of strange and mysterious artifacts. Some are almost certainly hoaxes, the…

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Interesting facts about the entrance door
The need to protect their homes exists from time immemorial. Historically, in the gland, people…

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How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills
Money - quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For…


Incredible finds of ordinary people.
However, to make a find, it is not necessary to go underground. There are 10…

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century later

How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills

Money – quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For centuries, the ancient people made purchases, exchanged goods without the use of coins, banknotes and promissory notes. How did you manage to conduct trading operations, and what led to the emergence of modern money – in our material.
What people calculated in ancient times
Market relations emerged as early as 7-8 millennia BC. After the decomposition of the primitive communal society, not only living conditions improved, but also instruments of labor. Due to this, people began to appear surplus manufactured products, which were exchanged for more needed.
Different nations had their own subjects, acting in the role of money. Continue reading

4 intriguing scientific versions of how the ancient Egyptians looked

In 2014, Ridley Scott removed his biblical epic “Exodus: Kings and Gods” and accidentally unleashed a rather unexpected conflict. In the film, the ancient Egyptian characters are played by white actors, and this angered those who believe that the Egyptians were dark-skinned. But what did the ancient Egyptians actually look like? Most Egyptologists insist there is no reason to believe that the modern concept of race can be applied to the Egyptians. Nevertheless, there are some historical “clues” about what the Egyptians could look like, although we will immediately make a reservation that these are just versions.
1. Herodotus
The Greek historian Herodotus, who wrote a lot about Egypt around 450 BC, was one of the first to indirectly shed light on the appearance of the ancient Egyptians. Continue reading