Who was the legendary Troyan from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign": A long way to the East and back to the West
The story that will be discussed on these pages began with a find of an…

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8 ancient cemeteries, which were found in our time on construction sites
The bones of people who lived in the old days are often right under the…

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Plumbing, civil rights and technology: What the world lost when the Greeks conquered Troy, and the arias - the Dravidians
The legends of dark times in Europe and Asia are full of enthusiasm for the…


How did dog collars change from ancient Egypt to the present day: Thorns, castles and diamonds
Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years as loyal helpers, protectors, and companions.…

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bodies were

10 copper artifacts that scientists discovered the secrets of the ancients

Copper is one of the first metals with which people began to work around 5000 BC, during the so-called copper era (the chalcolithic period), when there was a radical transition from primitive Neolithic to Bronze stone technology. For millennia, copper has been the main engine of the global economy. The most common prehistoric metal artifacts from copper alloys still surprise archaeologists.
1. The Lost Treasure of the Copper Scroll
On March 14, 1952, an archaeologist discovered a mysterious copper scroll that contrasted sharply with all the other Dead Sea scrolls found earlier in the Qumran caves. The material of the scroll, its author, script, language and style indicate that he ended up in cave number 3 at a different time than 14 other scrolls made of parchment and papyrus. According to Professor Richard Freund, “the copper scroll is probably the most unique, the most important and least understood among the Dead Sea scrolls.” Continue reading

A spiral of skeletons, a bound woman and other ancient tombs that seem strange

It so happened in history that after the death of a man he expected a funeral rite. How exactly to bury a person – in a stone tomb, a wooden coffin, or burned on a fire, determined social religious and cultural norms. Therefore, the ancient burials that modern archaeologists discover are sometimes so strange that they simply drive scientists to a dead end.
1. Grave of babies
In Pachacamac (near modern Lima, Peru), a grave was found, in which there were about 80 people buried around 1000 AD They belonged to the ichma nation, which preceded the Incas. Half of the remains belonged to adults who were laid in the poses of embryos. On the corpses wrapped in a sheet (mostly decomposed during this time), heads were carved from wood or made from clay. The other half of the dead were babies that were placed in a circle around the adults. Continue reading

5 valuable pieces of art that were found quite by accident

When by chance (or not quite) people find a picture of a famous artist, a manuscript or diaries of a famous writer, then this event is covered by all the world’s media. After all, a find can cost millions of dollars. It often happened that valuable artifacts were found in private collections, in hiding places and even in storage rooms. But in this review, “a dozen” of valuable finds, which were made in the most unexpected places.
1. Nazi treasure in a tiny apartment
In 2012, police discovered a collection of more than 1,300 works of art in a small apartment in Munich. Most of the work was considered destroyed during the Nazi rule in Germany. The collection belonged to an art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt, who during the Second World War used his position as an intermediary in the sale of works of art abroad to hide and sell a huge number of paintings. Continue reading