Secrets that historians cannot yet unravel
And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of…

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In Search of the Chronicles of Atlantis: The Secret Room under the Paw of the Great Sphinx
The Necropolis of Giza - a complex of monuments, including the Great Sphinx, the pyramids…

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Egypt is not one: Where and why the ancients built the pyramids
Everyone knows about the famous pyramids of Egypt. Thanks to their huge size and amazingly…


Who was the legendary Troyan from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign": A long way to the East and back to the West
The story that will be discussed on these pages began with a find of an…

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made of wool

Graffiti of the first Christians, the Egyptian tomb and other unique artefacts found on islands hidden from civilization

There are thousands of islands in the world. Many of them have their own rich history, culture and secrets. Given the natural isolation, a strange culture for the rest of the world was often created on the islands. Today, scientists are looking for archaeological clues in Europe, America, the Middle East and Asia, which may reveal previously unknown details about the long-lost civilizations. But the islands also often keep secrets of extinct cultures.
1. Temple of Artemis
Lost temples have long become clichés for films, but in real life, archaeologists literally hunt them. One temple “eluded” scientists for more than a hundred years. Continue reading

Plumbing, civil rights and technology: What the world lost when the Greeks conquered Troy, and the arias – the Dravidians

The legends of dark times in Europe and Asia are full of enthusiasm for the lost civilizations, developed so high that the listeners of these legends could hardly believe. Much later, with scientific progress, Europeans began to relate to these traditions with increasing skepticism: it is clear that the world is developing from simple technologies to complex ones, where can complex technologies come from simple ones? With the development of archeology, mankind again had to believe in lost civilizations. At least, in comparison with the narrators of the legends, they were very realistic. No Atlantis and aliens – the creations of the human mind and hands.
During the end of the Bronze Age, something happened that could be called the Apocalypse – at least for several developed cultures at once. Natural disasters and economic crises began to shake them, and the final blow struck the raids of much less developed nations. For a long four centuries, barbarism reigned in the lands where before that people used baths, studied science, composed poems and traded with cities on the other side of the seas. Continue reading

Riddles of the Etruscans, who do not give rest to scientists

The people who inhabited the lands of modern Italian Tuscany a little more than two millennia ago, who called themselves “raseny”, left traces of a surprisingly rapid flourishing, and also a lot of unexplained mysteries. The lack of written and material historical evidence, a considerable time period separating the present from the Etruscan epoch does not allow for a thorough study of the life of the representatives of this civilization, but it is known that the Etruscans also had a very noticeable influence on the ancient peoples and the modern world.
The Etruscans appeared on the Apennine Peninsula in the 9th century BC. and already after three centuries it was a developed civilization, which could be proud of the high level of craftsmanship, successful farming, and the presence of metallurgical production.
Civilization Villanova, the first of the cultures of the Iron Age in Italy, a number of scientists considered the early stage of the existence of the Etruscans, while others deny the continuity between the two cultures, recognizing the version of the expulsion of representatives of Villanova Etruscans. Continue reading