A spiral of skeletons, a bound woman and other ancient tombs that seem strange
It so happened in history that after the death of a man he expected a…

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Found the 3700-year-old remains of a pregnant woman: How to give birth in ancient Egypt
During excavations in southern Egypt, archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a pregnant woman. The burial…

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Giant images of the Nazca Valley: Communication with a deity or signals to space ships?
Civilizations left in the past have left riddles to modern man, on the solution of…


Treasure under my feet: The antique find on the site has enriched its owner
Back in 2009, German German archeologists discovered a unique find on the site of the…

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archaeological treasures

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10 archaeological finds that were made on the territory of Bulgaria and surprised scientists

The magnificence of Bulgarian archeology is often forgotten and spoken about Ancient Egypt and Greece only. Nevertheless, the history of this Eastern Balkan state spans thousands of years, and several powerful civilizations once called this place their homeland. Today the Bulgarian land is replete with ruins and treasures. Even in the depths of the Black Sea and on the islands of Bulgaria there are many unusual finds.
1. Chariot with horses
In 2008, a group of archaeologists discovered a wooden chariot buried in ancient Thrace (modern Bulgaria). What is most curious, along with her were buried 2 horses, which seemed to continue to drag the chariot and after death. Also found near the dog bones. The owner of the burial was discovered only a year later. Continue reading

Who was the legendary Troyan from “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”: A long way to the East and back to the West

The story that will be discussed on these pages began with a find of an unusual item on the territory of Ukraine. It was a figure of a person sitting cross-legged (we call this position “Turkish”) a person holding a snake in his right hand that stings him in the shoulder, in the left person holds a cross with blades widening towards the ends. Unfortunately, the first find, which became known to the author, suffered from a significant drawback; the figurine lacked a head.
An unusual find caused a lot of questions and the main one – who was depicted by an ancient master with such unusual symbols? An ornament resembling beads around a neck of a figure (possibly a hryvnia, a symbol of high status in society), crossed legs of a low-sitting figure, all evoked in memory a similar figure from the pantheon of gods of ancient Celts, Cernunnos (or Cernunns), (Horned).
An excellent image of this god is known on the chased bas-relief of a silver cauldron. Continue reading

The Riddle of Easter Island: What Archaeologists Know About Gigantic Scenery

The mystery of Easter Island stirs the minds of historians and enthusiasts over the centuries. It has not yet been possible to explain the origin of the giant stone statues installed on the most remote inhabited island. Scientists are puzzled over how the multi-ton statues moved around the island, and what the drawings on their bases, found during excavations, mean.
Scientists suggest that the indigenous peoples who lived on the island created stone statues of moai in memory of their ancestors. A new sculpture appeared in honor of every deceased chief of the tribe or other important personages.
The islanders carved statues from volcanic rock. To implement their plans, the sculptors have developed a special technology. At first, they plentifully moistened the rock, waiting for it to soften, and only after that they began to work with it. A team of 5-6 sculptors usually worked on one statue, it took about a year to create a moai. The manufacturing process took place at a quarry located in the center of the island in the crater of an extinct volcano. Many statues still remain there. The main mystery is connected with those moai, which are installed on the coast. Understand how the islanders delivered stone giants to the right place until it is possible. Continue reading

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