Mysterious prehistoric objects
In the world there are hundreds of mysterious places and objects, which scientists are trying…

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The most amazing finds, which turned out to be dinosaurs: From the "little sparrows" to the ancient giants
The theme of dinosaurs is popular at all times. Amazing prehistoric inhabitants of our planet…

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Russia's oldest idol turned out to be older than the Black Sea
The wooden figure found the Mesolithic - the middle stone age and was the oldest…


10 strangest archaeological finds
During the excavations, archaeologists first of all pay great attention to the discovered antiquities -…

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monk should have

Strange ancient artifacts, the origin of which no one can explain

The world is full of strange and mysterious artifacts. Some are almost certainly hoaxes, the others are connected with real stories. In our review of the 10-ka real artifacts, the origin of which scientists can not explain today.
1. The Sumerian Kings List
During excavations in Iraq on the territory of ancient Sumer, a manuscript was found, which lists all the kings of this state. The researchers initially thought that this was a common historical document, but later it turned out that many of the kings were mythological characters. Some rulers who should have been included in the list were missing from it. Others were attributed to incredibly long periods of rule or mythical events associated with them, such as, for example, the Sumerian version of the Great Flood and the exploits of Gilgamesh.
2. Gigas Codex (or Devil’s Bible) Continue reading