Interesting facts about the entrance door
The need to protect their homes exists from time immemorial. Historically, in the gland, people…

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Secrets that historians cannot yet unravel
And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of…

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10 new discoveries that turned the ideas of ancient Egypt upside down
Ancient Egypt is full of secrets and therefore attracts scientists who are looking for clues…


Archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a man who used a knife instead of a prosthetic arm
Who among us does not remember the formidable captain Hook, the inveterate enemy of Peter…

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A spiral of skeletons, a bound woman and other ancient tombs that seem strange

It so happened in history that after the death of a man he expected a funeral rite. How exactly to bury a person – in a stone tomb, a wooden coffin, or burned on a fire, determined social religious and cultural norms. Therefore, the ancient burials that modern archaeologists discover are sometimes so strange that they simply drive scientists to a dead end.
1. Grave of babies
In Pachacamac (near modern Lima, Peru), a grave was found, in which there were about 80 people buried around 1000 AD They belonged to the ichma nation, which preceded the Incas. Half of the remains belonged to adults who were laid in the poses of embryos. On the corpses wrapped in a sheet (mostly decomposed during this time), heads were carved from wood or made from clay. The other half of the dead were babies that were placed in a circle around the adults. Continue reading