10 archaeological finds that were made on the territory of Bulgaria and surprised scientists
The magnificence of Bulgarian archeology is often forgotten and spoken about Ancient Egypt and Greece…

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How did dog collars change from ancient Egypt to the present day: Thorns, castles and diamonds
Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years as loyal helpers, protectors, and companions.…

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The most amazing finds, which turned out to be dinosaurs: From the "little sparrows" to the ancient giants
The theme of dinosaurs is popular at all times. Amazing prehistoric inhabitants of our planet…


What treasures of the Inca came to our time, and where is the lost "golden" city of Paytiti
The legend of Eldorado, having arisen once, does not cease to inspire the whole world…

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scientist makes

10 archaeological finds that were made on the territory of Bulgaria and surprised scientists

The magnificence of Bulgarian archeology is often forgotten and spoken about Ancient Egypt and Greece only. Nevertheless, the history of this Eastern Balkan state spans thousands of years, and several powerful civilizations once called this place their homeland. Today the Bulgarian land is replete with ruins and treasures. Even in the depths of the Black Sea and on the islands of Bulgaria there are many unusual finds.
1. Chariot with horses
In 2008, a group of archaeologists discovered a wooden chariot buried in ancient Thrace (modern Bulgaria). What is most curious, along with her were buried 2 horses, which seemed to continue to drag the chariot and after death. Also found near the dog bones. The owner of the burial was discovered only a year later. Continue reading

Decorations of Neanderthals, figurines from Ghana and other ancient art objects, which pushed for scientific discoveries

People just need food, air, water and creative expression. And so, judging by the findings of archaeologists, it was even millions of years ago. Perhaps some works of art created by our distant ancestors seem naive and ridiculous, but still archaeologists believe that Neanderthals had a subtle sense of fashion, ancient artists took the risk to create their paintings, and at least one ancient musical instrument used in our day.
1. Neanderthals used “wearable sequins”
Several discoveries in Spain show that Neanderthals were much more advanced than previously thought. The first such discovery was made in 1985 in Cueva de los Aviones, a cave in Murcia. There, archaeologists discovered a bunch of holed shells, which, according to them, tens of thousands of years ago were strung on a string and worn as a necklace. Continue reading

Riddles of the Etruscans, who do not give rest to scientists

The people who inhabited the lands of modern Italian Tuscany a little more than two millennia ago, who called themselves “raseny”, left traces of a surprisingly rapid flourishing, and also a lot of unexplained mysteries. The lack of written and material historical evidence, a considerable time period separating the present from the Etruscan epoch does not allow for a thorough study of the life of the representatives of this civilization, but it is known that the Etruscans also had a very noticeable influence on the ancient peoples and the modern world.
The Etruscans appeared on the Apennine Peninsula in the 9th century BC. and already after three centuries it was a developed civilization, which could be proud of the high level of craftsmanship, successful farming, and the presence of metallurgical production.
Civilization Villanova, the first of the cultures of the Iron Age in Italy, a number of scientists considered the early stage of the existence of the Etruscans, while others deny the continuity between the two cultures, recognizing the version of the expulsion of representatives of Villanova Etruscans. Continue reading