10 archaeological discoveries, because of which rewrote the history of ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is undoubtedly one of the most impressive "chapters" in the history of mankind.…

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In Israel, found a ring with a seal that belonged to Pontius Pilate
An unexpected statement was made by Israeli experts after a detailed study of archaeological finds…

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The great archaeological discoveries of civilization
Archaeological discoveries are always reminiscent of the creative mind of our ancestors. It is also…


From where in Egypt pyramids?
The pyramids disturb the minds and hearts of many people - from serious scientists who…

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protects babies

Secrets that historians cannot yet unravel

And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of these mysteries are close to the legends, and yet scientists do not lose hope of finding answers. In this review, a story about the secrets that still excite the minds of scientists and intrigue the inhabitants.
1. The Lost City of Kalahari
In November 1885, Guillermo Farini (also known as William Leonard Hunt) wrote a report about a strange and mysterious city that he stumbled upon in the Kalahari Desert. He presented this data to the Berlin Geographical Society, and in 1886 to the Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain. Farini even published a book in the same year in which he described the discovery in detail. In the book, he described the mysterious rock formations, which, as he was convinced, were the ruins of an ancient city. Continue reading

How in ancient times did the bodies of the dead

As soon as a person dies, his body is usually buried or cremated. But in some ancient societies, the corpses after death in various ways used, or preserved their parts according to certain rituals. In some cultures, it was believed that the body of a deceased person, if used in various rituals, was able to help the living. And these practices led to rather terrible archaeological finds.
1. Bowls of skulls
Skull cups have been made in many different cultures for different periods of time. Mostly they were made by separating the skull from the corpse and cutting cups from it. Usually carvings on the skull were made on the subject of Christ’s sufferings, but sometimes it was possible to come across decorative prints. Continue reading

Riddles of the Etruscans, who do not give rest to scientists

The people who inhabited the lands of modern Italian Tuscany a little more than two millennia ago, who called themselves “raseny”, left traces of a surprisingly rapid flourishing, and also a lot of unexplained mysteries. The lack of written and material historical evidence, a considerable time period separating the present from the Etruscan epoch does not allow for a thorough study of the life of the representatives of this civilization, but it is known that the Etruscans also had a very noticeable influence on the ancient peoples and the modern world.
The Etruscans appeared on the Apennine Peninsula in the 9th century BC. and already after three centuries it was a developed civilization, which could be proud of the high level of craftsmanship, successful farming, and the presence of metallurgical production.
Civilization Villanova, the first of the cultures of the Iron Age in Italy, a number of scientists considered the early stage of the existence of the Etruscans, while others deny the continuity between the two cultures, recognizing the version of the expulsion of representatives of Villanova Etruscans. Continue reading