Interesting facts about the entrance door
The need to protect their homes exists from time immemorial. Historically, in the gland, people…

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How did dog collars change from ancient Egypt to the present day: Thorns, castles and diamonds
Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years as loyal helpers, protectors, and companions.…

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The mystery of Mohenjo-Daro - the ideal ancient city, all of whose inhabitants died in a flash
This city in the Indus Valley on the territory of modern Pakistan attracted the attention…


Found the 3700-year-old remains of a pregnant woman: How to give birth in ancient Egypt
During excavations in southern Egypt, archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a pregnant woman. The burial…

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modern Israel

Ambiguous facts from the Bible, about which today archeologists and religious scholars argue

Perhaps there is no other such book in the world in which so many contradictions are found as in the Bible. There are constantly heated debates between atheists, archeologists and religious scholars, and the main one is whether the Book of Books can be regarded as a reliable historical source.
1. Gummy in the mask of mummies
In one of the ancient Egyptian tombs a unique find was made – in the burial mask of the pharaoh they found a fragment of the oldest known Gospel. Scientists believe that this text dates from the I century of our era. The content of the text archaeologists do not disclose. It is only known that the burial mask was made of flax with the addition of glue and paint. Inside the mask were found and other documents – personal and business letters of the deceased. It was they (and also the hydrocarbon analysis) that made it possible to determine the exact age of the burial and papyrus.
It is believed that all the books written under the general title “Gospel” were written several decades after the earthly life of Jesus. Today, the oldest copy of the Gospel texts dates from the II-III centuries. Continue reading

What people looked like a century ago: Modern technology has allowed scientists to get to the bottom of the truth
What did people from the past look like? Most often, the guideline for answering this…


Obelisk of the city of Aswan
Granite quarries, located along the banks of the Nile in the city of Aswan (Aswan),…
