The great archaeological discoveries of civilization
Archaeological discoveries are always reminiscent of the creative mind of our ancestors. It is also…

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In Israel, found a ring with a seal that belonged to Pontius Pilate
An unexpected statement was made by Israeli experts after a detailed study of archaeological finds…

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10 archaeological discoveries, because of which rewrote the history of ancient Greece
Ancient Greece is undoubtedly one of the most impressive "chapters" in the history of mankind.…


10 copper artifacts that scientists discovered the secrets of the ancients
Copper is one of the first metals with which people began to work around 5000…

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iconic things that researchers

Archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a man who used a knife instead of a prosthetic arm

Who among us does not remember the formidable captain Hook, the inveterate enemy of Peter Pan? Literature and cinema is replete with characters whose distinctive detail was the presence of such an unusual prosthesis. But more recently, Italian archaeologists discovered an amazing find. They found the skeleton of a man who, apparently, used a knife to replace an amputated hand.
It is difficult to believe in the authenticity of such a find: an analysis of the bones of the skeleton suggested that this person lived in the 6th – 8th centuries. There is no need to speak about any professional medicine or even about the observance of basic sanitary standards during this period. Continue reading