Strange ancient artifacts, the origin of which no one can explain
The world is full of strange and mysterious artifacts. Some are almost certainly hoaxes, the…

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How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills
Money - quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For…

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4 intriguing scientific versions of how the ancient Egyptians looked
In 2014, Ridley Scott removed his biblical epic "Exodus: Kings and Gods" and accidentally unleashed…


Egypt is not one: Where and why the ancients built the pyramids
Everyone knows about the famous pyramids of Egypt. Thanks to their huge size and amazingly…

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extraterrestrial civilization

Giant images of the Nazca Valley: Communication with a deity or signals to space ships?

Civilizations left in the past have left riddles to modern man, on the solution of which the best minds of historians and archaeologists are thrown. A number of riddles have an explanation, but some remain a mystery throughout the centuries, which scientists cannot explain. One such mystery was the giant drawings in the Nazca Valley in South America.
The Nazca Plateau is located in the southern part of Peru and covers an area of ​​approximately 7 kilometers by 50 kilometers. For a long time, local residents paid attention to the lanes stretching along the valley for tens of meters, considering that they were made to help the travelers with orientation. Some of the bands were straight, some had a different form – one way or another, until humanity invented air transport, nobody could look at the patterns entirely. Continue reading