A spiral of skeletons, a bound woman and other ancient tombs that seem strange
It so happened in history that after the death of a man he expected a…

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Archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a man who used a knife instead of a prosthetic arm
Who among us does not remember the formidable captain Hook, the inveterate enemy of Peter…

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Obelisk of the city of Aswan
Granite quarries, located along the banks of the Nile in the city of Aswan (Aswan),…


What people looked like a century ago: Modern technology has allowed scientists to get to the bottom of the truth
What did people from the past look like? Most often, the guideline for answering this…

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Archaeologists believe

Treasure under my feet: The antique find on the site has enriched its owner

Back in 2009, German German archeologists discovered a unique find on the site of the ancient Roman settlement Valdgirmes. Today its value is estimated at almost 1.6 million euros. This means that the owner of the site on which the excavations were carried out, will receive a monetary reward of 773 thousand euros. But for centuries the treasure was simply buried in the ground.
The era of Roman emperors is fanned by myths and legends. Perhaps that is why the interest of descendants to those times does not weaken. Excavations are constantly underway that would help to look into the past and show how people lived in the vast Roman Empire, which once included part of Germany. Sometimes scientists can find truly invaluable items. Continue reading

Primitive thongs, wigging pillow and other ancient things that have survived.

In the daily arsenal of modern man there are a lot of various inventions that make his life much easier. And few people think that many of these things appeared in one form or another several thousand years ago. Of course, they looked somewhat different, but the functions were performed by all the same as today.
1. Greenland Fur Thong
The clothes were rather “modest” throughout history. But it turns out that modern thongs have existed for a surprisingly long time, and the Greenland Inuits have been wearing them for several hundred years. “Naatsit” are traditional thongs, but made of … leather and fur, and sewn with whale tendons or yarn of deerskin. They were usually decorated with beads and worn as underwear for both men and women.
2. Sacred Twenty Cube Continue reading

5 valuable pieces of art that were found quite by accident

When by chance (or not quite) people find a picture of a famous artist, a manuscript or diaries of a famous writer, then this event is covered by all the world’s media. After all, a find can cost millions of dollars. It often happened that valuable artifacts were found in private collections, in hiding places and even in storage rooms. But in this review, “a dozen” of valuable finds, which were made in the most unexpected places.
1. Nazi treasure in a tiny apartment
In 2012, police discovered a collection of more than 1,300 works of art in a small apartment in Munich. Most of the work was considered destroyed during the Nazi rule in Germany. The collection belonged to an art dealer Hildebrand Gurlitt, who during the Second World War used his position as an intermediary in the sale of works of art abroad to hide and sell a huge number of paintings. Continue reading