studied stalactites
Obelisk of the city of Aswan
Granite quarries, located along the banks of the Nile in the city of Aswan (Aswan), supplied some of the highest quality stones for the construction of temples, sculptures and monuments in ancient Egypt. The famous Cleopatra’s Needle monument, now in London, and several objects in the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Giza were built from stones mined in Aswan.
In the northern region of the Aswan stone quarries lies on the side of the unfinished obelisk. It was believed that this is the highest and largest obelisk ever created in ancient Egypt. Unfortunately, the obelisk was never completed. Continue reading
Incredible finds of ordinary people.
However, to make a find, it is not necessary to go underground. There are 10 unexpected and strange artifacts that have been discovered on the surface of archaeological antiquities.
1. “Augustus is divine”
10 incredible finds of ordinary people
Coin of Traian-Augustus “August the Divine.”
In 2016, tourist Lori Rimon was walking in the eastern Galilee (region in northern Israel). When she passed through the archaeological site, she accidentally noticed a yellow glow. In the grass lay an old coin. Transferring it to the authorities, Rimon was surprised to learn that the coin was about 2,000 years old. And the fact that there is only one coin of this kind is absolutely exceptional. Continue reading