Secrets that historians cannot yet unravel
And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of…

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Russia's oldest idol turned out to be older than the Black Sea
The wooden figure found the Mesolithic - the middle stone age and was the oldest…

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How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills
Money - quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For…


How in ancient times did the bodies of the dead
As soon as a person dies, his body is usually buried or cremated. But in…

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nitrogen compressed

10 new discoveries that turned the ideas of ancient Egypt upside down

Ancient Egypt is full of secrets and therefore attracts scientists who are looking for clues to the secrets of civilization. And although the excavations in Egypt are carried out almost constantly, and at the same time using new scanning equipment, this ancient civilization constantly presents scientists with new surprises. New names of Egyptian kings, travels that changed history and even new discoveries in what seemed to be studied along and across the pyramids – quite recently many new discoveries were made, which will be discussed in this article.
1. Cemetery of the Priests of Thoth
Thanks to this unusual discovery, the year 2018 can be another “critical” year for Egyptologists. Not far from the town of El Minya, in the Nile Valley, a large necropolis was discovered. Continue reading

Coffins, torpedoes, grave safes and other strange things, with which in the XIX century, struggled with the abduction of corpses

The beginning of the 1800s in Britain and America was marked by a rapid surge of scientific and medical discoveries. The study of anatomy and surgery has become extremely popular. This led to the terrible practice of trafficking in corpses. Grieving families could no longer bury their departed relatives and be sure that their bodies would rest in peace. Around the cemeteries, late in the evening, people roamed in search of “fresh” graves. Their goal was to remove the corpse from the grave and sell it to the doctors. As a result, people began to invent a variety of ways to protect the graves from vandals.
1. Mortseif – tomb safe in the British Continue reading

The most amazing finds, which turned out to be dinosaurs: From the “little sparrows” to the ancient giants

The theme of dinosaurs is popular at all times. Amazing prehistoric inhabitants of our planet are shrouded in a halo of mystery, because we are separated by tens of millions of years. And how great it is that paleontologists from time to time manage to find the remains of these mysterious creatures, recreate their appearance and show the world the diversity of their types! In our collection – some of the most interesting finds, allowing to stretch an invisible thread into the world of dinosaurs.
A lump of mud was a dinosaur
One of the most informative fossils found on Earth is the nodosaurus skeleton, with well-preserved skin and lamellar shell, found in Canada by excavator operator Shaun Funk. While working in one of the mines, the man saw in the ground a huge frozen clod of dirt, which weighed about one and a half kilograms and had an interesting patterned texture. Continue reading