Giant images of the Nazca Valley: Communication with a deity or signals to space ships?
Civilizations left in the past have left riddles to modern man, on the solution of…

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The mystery of Mohenjo-Daro - the ideal ancient city, all of whose inhabitants died in a flash
This city in the Indus Valley on the territory of modern Pakistan attracted the attention…

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Found the 3700-year-old remains of a pregnant woman: How to give birth in ancient Egypt
During excavations in southern Egypt, archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a pregnant woman. The burial…


The great archaeological discoveries of civilization
Archaeological discoveries are always reminiscent of the creative mind of our ancestors. It is also…

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dizzying heights

Decorations of Neanderthals, figurines from Ghana and other ancient art objects, which pushed for scientific discoveries

People just need food, air, water and creative expression. And so, judging by the findings of archaeologists, it was even millions of years ago. Perhaps some works of art created by our distant ancestors seem naive and ridiculous, but still archaeologists believe that Neanderthals had a subtle sense of fashion, ancient artists took the risk to create their paintings, and at least one ancient musical instrument used in our day.
1. Neanderthals used “wearable sequins”
Several discoveries in Spain show that Neanderthals were much more advanced than previously thought. The first such discovery was made in 1985 in Cueva de los Aviones, a cave in Murcia. There, archaeologists discovered a bunch of holed shells, which, according to them, tens of thousands of years ago were strung on a string and worn as a necklace. Continue reading