Secrets that historians cannot yet unravel
And today there are secrets that historians have not been able to unravel. Some of…

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How did dog collars change from ancient Egypt to the present day: Thorns, castles and diamonds
Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years as loyal helpers, protectors, and companions.…

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In Israel, found a ring with a seal that belonged to Pontius Pilate
An unexpected statement was made by Israeli experts after a detailed study of archaeological finds…


Found the 3700-year-old remains of a pregnant woman: How to give birth in ancient Egypt
During excavations in southern Egypt, archaeologists discovered the skeleton of a pregnant woman. The burial…

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freshwater lake

Primitive thongs, wigging pillow and other ancient things that have survived.

In the daily arsenal of modern man there are a lot of various inventions that make his life much easier. And few people think that many of these things appeared in one form or another several thousand years ago. Of course, they looked somewhat different, but the functions were performed by all the same as today.
1. Greenland Fur Thong
The clothes were rather “modest” throughout history. But it turns out that modern thongs have existed for a surprisingly long time, and the Greenland Inuits have been wearing them for several hundred years. “Naatsit” are traditional thongs, but made of … leather and fur, and sewn with whale tendons or yarn of deerskin. They were usually decorated with beads and worn as underwear for both men and women.
2. Sacred Twenty Cube Continue reading

How did dog collars change from ancient Egypt to the present day: Thorns, castles and diamonds

Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years as loyal helpers, protectors, and companions. Today it is no longer known who first thought of putting a dog collar on the dog and under what circumstances this significant event happened. But we know something about how the collars looked in antiquity and how long the dogs began to wear them. Thanks to the extravagant dog collars of past epochs that have survived to the present day, we can judge the history of the use of these intelligent and faithful animals by our ancestors.
Egyptian artwork
As you know, the ancient Egyptians loved their cats very much. However, they loved dogs no less. They were also worshiped, honored as hunters and defenders, and the dog always had the privileged position of his master’s companion in the hunt. Continue reading

In amber found ancient serpent

Scientists have discovered the remains of a baby snake about 100 million years old (mid-Cretaceous). They are preserved in a piece of amber found in Myanmar. This is the oldest known scientist baby snake and the only found species that lived in the forest area during this period of Earth’s history. The results of the analyzes are presented in the journal Science Advances.
The oldest fossil snakes belong to the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods (67? 140 million years ago). Continue reading