Mysterious prehistoric objects
In the world there are hundreds of mysterious places and objects, which scientists are trying…

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What treasures of the Inca came to our time, and where is the lost "golden" city of Paytiti
The legend of Eldorado, having arisen once, does not cease to inspire the whole world…

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What people looked like a century ago: Modern technology has allowed scientists to get to the bottom of the truth
What did people from the past look like? Most often, the guideline for answering this…


Russia's oldest idol turned out to be older than the Black Sea
The wooden figure found the Mesolithic - the middle stone age and was the oldest…

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been criticized

Egypt is not one: Where and why the ancients built the pyramids

Everyone knows about the famous pyramids of Egypt. Thanks to their huge size and amazingly accurate engineering, it seems that these otherworldly artifacts just grew up in the desert. But the pyramid is a fairly common form to which ancient and modern builders resorted to creating impressive structures. We give examples of 10 lesser-known pyramids, which deserve no less attention than those that were built in Giza.
1. Pyramid “Helmets of the First World War”
Pickelhaube (or pickelhaube) – a pointed German helmet of soldiers of the First World War, became a collective image of enemy invaders, which can often be found in comedies. When World War I ended, the victors wanted to create a symbol to demonstrate their triumph. As a result, it was decided to build a pyramid of captured German helmets in New York. Continue reading

Archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a man who used a knife instead of a prosthetic arm
Who among us does not remember the formidable captain Hook, the inveterate enemy of Peter…


How did the first coins appear, what was before them, and who printed the first bills
Money - quite an ancient means for calculations. But market relations arose much earlier. For…
