Treasure under my feet: The antique find on the site has enriched its owner
Back in 2009, German German archeologists discovered a unique find on the site of the…

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What did the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum look like, buried under the lava of Vesuvius?
Herculaneum is one of the three cities that fell victim to the eruption of Vesuvius…

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Egypt is not one: Where and why the ancients built the pyramids
Everyone knows about the famous pyramids of Egypt. Thanks to their huge size and amazingly…


10 copper artifacts that scientists discovered the secrets of the ancients
Copper is one of the first metals with which people began to work around 5000…

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arched tunnels

In Israel, found a ring with a seal that belonged to Pontius Pilate

An unexpected statement was made by Israeli experts after a detailed study of archaeological finds discovered during the excavations of Herodion, a fortress built by King Herod. According to scientists, the ancient bronze ring, found by archaeologists in the middle of the last century, once belonged to … Pontius Pilate.
Mystery lettering
An unremarkable-looking ring archaeologists discovered 50 years ago during the excavations of the Herodion fortress in the desert near Bethlehem, conducted under the guidance of Professor Gideon Forster. This thing was only one of the thousands of the most diverse finds found at that time during the excavations of the grandiose structure erected by Herod and later became the place of his burial. The ring was found in a room filled with shards of glass, shards of ceramics, arrowheads, coins and other small objects. Continue reading

How did dog collars change from ancient Egypt to the present day: Thorns, castles and diamonds

Dogs have been accompanying humans for thousands of years as loyal helpers, protectors, and companions. Today it is no longer known who first thought of putting a dog collar on the dog and under what circumstances this significant event happened. But we know something about how the collars looked in antiquity and how long the dogs began to wear them. Thanks to the extravagant dog collars of past epochs that have survived to the present day, we can judge the history of the use of these intelligent and faithful animals by our ancestors.
Egyptian artwork
As you know, the ancient Egyptians loved their cats very much. However, they loved dogs no less. They were also worshiped, honored as hunters and defenders, and the dog always had the privileged position of his master’s companion in the hunt. Continue reading

Riddles of the Etruscans, who do not give rest to scientists

The people who inhabited the lands of modern Italian Tuscany a little more than two millennia ago, who called themselves “raseny”, left traces of a surprisingly rapid flourishing, and also a lot of unexplained mysteries. The lack of written and material historical evidence, a considerable time period separating the present from the Etruscan epoch does not allow for a thorough study of the life of the representatives of this civilization, but it is known that the Etruscans also had a very noticeable influence on the ancient peoples and the modern world.
The Etruscans appeared on the Apennine Peninsula in the 9th century BC. and already after three centuries it was a developed civilization, which could be proud of the high level of craftsmanship, successful farming, and the presence of metallurgical production.
Civilization Villanova, the first of the cultures of the Iron Age in Italy, a number of scientists considered the early stage of the existence of the Etruscans, while others deny the continuity between the two cultures, recognizing the version of the expulsion of representatives of Villanova Etruscans. Continue reading